Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Why Am I Going to Zambia?

The answer is very simple, God wants me to.  I have no idea why, but I am more certain today than I was when the whole process started last spring.  The whole thing seems like a dream.  It doesn't seem real yet.  I mean, I've never been out of the country.  I'm leaving for 3 months.  Leaving my family behind and going where communication may not be so easy.  I have my first ever passport, so cool.  I have shots, not so cool.  Airfare has been paid for (Thanks to God and some really nice IWU Alumni).  I've even bought a pair of Keen sandals, which I have been told is the only shoes that will do the job.  

I have met all the other students going.  They are an awesome group of young adults.  I'm looking forward to getting to know them better.  Other than our fearless leaders, Dr. Garner and his wife, I am the only nontraditional student going.  We have been meeting for prayer together, which has been the greatest thing ever.

More later.


Brycie said...

Melinda, I hope you have a really great educational and fun time in Zambia. Take lots of pics so we can see them when you can get back to post them on Indiana Lady Riders. Know that we will miss you while your having fun. Oh, btw, you know that you will lose out on High Poster in WWR.

Jessica said...

Hey Lady how are you? How wonderful .That is so wonderful. I hope you enjoy your trip in Zambia. R u scared? Man, I know Mike would of loved to go with you .Well thats cool that you get to go to Zambia and explore what is going on their. I hope you have the best educational trip man, you got so.. much to see .Have FUN. Let me know how u are doin send lots of pics. love ya and miss ya .

Ray Welch said...



You really are delighted that you have at least one shallow friend, right? Well with Johnathan maybe two.

I am so proud of you.

I must run my vente with soy milk is ready


lfcagc said...

We are praying for you to have a wonderful, life-changing experience that will grow you in grace and knowledge of the Lord you serve. We look forward to updates...
Anita and Lou